Hi Everyone!
First, a heartfelt thank you to all who've subscribed and stuck with me despite my inconsistent posting. I know I promised three posts a week, but wow, is that challenging! Life has been a whirlwind lately, and I'm doing my best to stay steady and manage my emotions through it all. Add to that, I'm out of birth control refills, so I'm bracing myself for the emotional rollercoaster that comes with that territory.
When life gets chaotic, I have one fail-safe remedy: CLUELESS.
This movie is my ultimate comfort watch, my Trojan horse of self-reflection. With each rewatch, I find myself relating more and more to Cher, particularly her endearing cluelessness. It's not just about the glamour, the fashion, or the quippy one-liners (though those are great). It's about getting sucked into a world you desperately want to be part of, while simultaneously realizing how much you have to learn.
My latest viewing offered a simple yet profound lesson: when you don't know something, work on doing better and figure it out. Honestly? That's been the story of my entire life!
I've always felt a kinship with Cher. Maybe it's her lifestyle, her personality, or the fact that I fancy myself someone with great style. But right now, my goal is to navigate life with less cluelessness, to be more attentive, and to get comfortable with the constant ebb and flow of change.
If there's one thing I've learned, it's that life never stays the same, and that can be incredibly frustrating. Like Cher, I often find myself grasping for control, especially as I'm thrust further into adulthood. The demands keep growing, and that sense of control feels increasingly elusive.
I'm realizing that maybe I don't know how to just relax and let life shift naturally. All I can do is keep going, keep growing, keep learning, and trust that I'm doing enough for everything to work out as it should.
So here's to embracing our inner Cher, navigating life's changes with a killer wardrobe, and finding wisdom in unexpected places – even in '90s teen comedies.
Reflect, Gloss, Repeat: AND SUBSCRIBE
A go to comfort movie for me✨️.
cher has a lot to teach to all of us ;)